1. What are the rules for creating derivative work for Simon's IP?
Below are the rules for independant IPs including: 《Air Girls Report : Rinascimento》, 《Dong-Jin Rice-hime》, 《Food Girls》 and 《Little Witch Nobeta*》(*International rules)
- 「Company (Juridical person, association)」use is not prohibited.
- Dissembling/dissembled body, Guro, Ryona etc is prohibited.
- The making and selling of merchandise is prohibited (for example: pillow, scroll, gacha, badge, charm, table game etc)
- The use of official trademark and logo on unofficial/unauthorized product/creation is prohibited.
- The use of official trademark and logo on personal, juridical person, political party, religious group etc. is prohibited.
- The use of official trademark and logo to mislead consumer is prohibited.
Any other user of trademark and logo deemed inappropriate by Simon Creative may be prohibited.
Below are the rules for collaboration IPs including: 《Magi at Wanchin》, 《Sergestid Shrimp in Tungkang》, 《Let's GO!! K.R.T Girls》, 《Magical Girl with iPASS card》, 《Let's GO!! K.R.T Boys》
- 「Company (Juridical person, association)」use is not prohibited.
- Uses that may cause damage to the character's image
- Uses that violates common morals(eroticism, blood, violence)
- The making and selling of merchandise is prohibited (for example: pillow, scroll, gacha, badge, charm, table game etc)
- The use of official trademark and logo on unofficial/unauthorized product/creation is prohibited.
- The use of official trademark and logo on personal, juridical person, political party, religious group etc. is prohibited.
- The use of official trademark and logo to mislead consumer is prohibited.
- The use of counterfeiting official products and causing misunderstanding among consumers is prohibited.
- Creation of derivative work under the official name of Simon Creative and other official parties is prohibited.
Any other use of trademark and logo deemed inappropriate by Simon Creative may be prohibited.
※Creation of derivative work is a personal behaviour of fans and enthusiats and isn't authorized/acknowledge as official work. Official authorization is limited to charity, public relations or business cooperation.